Sliding Scale Acupuncture


We have finally added Community Acupuncture at Golden Door. If you are sent to this page, you have been pre-approved!

Hours are Wednesday 10 AM-1:30 PM with Olivia Bracken and Thursdays 11 AM-3 PM with Peter Schechter.

Price is $40

Here are some things we are doing to keep COVID infections down:

  1. Only 2 patients are allowed in the room at a time.

  2. Chairs are 8 ft. apart from each other and will be wiped down and sanitized in between patients.

  3. According to square footage of the building, we are staying below 25% capacity

  4. Masks are required for your service

  5. We ask you to bring your own blanket and headphones (not required)

  6. We are not treating any cold or flu symptoms at this time.

  7. Hours are limited to keep the practitioner’s exposure at a minimum.

Appointment Link:

Again you have been pre-approved for sliding scale! If you want to bring a friend, please send them to:

If you are uncomfortable with being in a community room, private rooms are available for $75