FAQ’s about Cupping

What can I expect?
During the session you can expect a brief intake to determine your health goals and what level of cupping is desired, a treatment area and path is agreed upon. You’ll be talked through the treatment which may include gliding cupping, a static treatment (cups left on which may leave harmless temporary marking), and range of motion stretching. The cups will be removed, and you may leave feeling more relaxed, warmed up, with a decrease in pain/tension, and an increase in range of motion.

Does it hurt?

Cupping does feel like a deep tissue massage. The negative suction and glide can feel a bit unusual the first time, but cupping should not be painful. Cupping comes in a variety of forms and as always is made to match your consent and comfort level and most people find it deeply relaxing.

Is cupping for me?

Only you can determine that, however everything will be done to maintain your comfort in session. Cupping may not be for you if you have a blood and/or clotting disorder, active cancer, open wounds, current infection, have unregulated high blood pressure, are on blood thinners.

How long do the marks last?
Cupping marks can last anywhere from 24hrs to up to three weeks, is completely dependent on your health and varies from client to client. We recommend talking to your therapist over any concerns on marking and if you have an Gala Event or beach vacation coming up to let us know. Cupping marks tan/sunburn easily and we do not recommend getting them if you are being exposed to the sun.

How do I get started?
Ask any of our massage therapist about cupping! Please complete the consent forms at time of booking so that your therapist can review prior to your arrival.