Spring Allergies got ya?

Picture this – it’s a beautiful Spring day, suddenly you’re sneezing, your eyes are itching, your head is pounding, and you feel like you are tracking through a pit of mud. Allergies are the worst! 

Not only can they surprise you, but they can now (post-pandemic) provoke anxiety. Many people find that allergy shots and medications do help with allergies but sometimes it's not enough! 

According to Chinese medicine, there are many factors that may trigger allergies. As we shift into Spring we focus on strengthening what we call “Wei Qi” or defensive qi that is linked to our immunity. There are several meridians located on the front of the body including the lungs, large intestine, stomach, and spleen that can help circulate and build resistance for your immune system. An acupuncture session can help get to the internal and external triggers causing your allergies. It might include cupping, guasha, acupuncture, and suggestions for Chinese herbs. While we always suggest a treatment we understand the nervousness about needles, so we’ve listed some of our favorite remedies to beat the allergy season: 

1. Drink Tea. There are a lot of great teas out there! Many teas have been listed to help with allergies, however, Nettle Tea and Chrysanthemum would be the best for spring. 

2. Acupressure is an easy way to get some relief. Gently apply pressure to the points below! First start with the hand and then work up to the two points on both sides of the face while breathing deeply (or attempting to!). You can notice an immediate opening in the nose. If you have a guasha stone at home, spend extra time around these areas when you’re doing your skin care routine. Peppermint oil can also be a good addition to your routine if your nose is really clogged, just be mindful using it around the eyes and on the skin. It’s pretty potent! 

3. Change your diet during allergy season. Heavy foods such as dairy and wheat do cause more mucus in the body so minimizing heavy foods can help. Eating more Ginger, locally sourced honey, and citrus fruits can help lower histamine reactions. If you are a migraine sufferer, be careful of citrus fruits they can trigger a migraine. Adding more Vitamin C or other immune boosting supplements such Bromelain or Quercetin can also help. 

4. Add an air filter, humidifier, de-humidifier, or essential oil diffuser to your bedroom! Pick one that fits the air quality of your house. This $40 investment can be a game changer to how you sleep at night and sleep is EVERYTHING!

Looking for more specific tips and tricks? Contact your local TCM Acupuncturist!