Facial Guasha

FAQ for Facials

What is Facial Gua Sha?

Facial Gua Sha originates from ancient East Asian beauty and wellness. A form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gua Sha done on the body is very different from the Gua Sha massage performed on the face. Facial Gua Sha utilizes a small board (usually made of smooth stone or crystal) to help assist in lymphatic drainage, release tension and remove blockages in the connective tissue and keep the mind and body in a relaxed state. With that being said, some results that can be achieved are less puffiness, a more lifted and toned appearance, and a lighter feeling in the head and neck as tension has melted away.

Facial Gua Sha is like a work out for your skin, the more often you do it the better results you will see. Consider a treatment with me like a private training session. For best results a Facial Gua Sha treatment is recommended every 3-4 weeks for several months, eventually spacing out to every 4-6 weeks with home care practiced in between sessions. 

What is Manual Lymph Drainage?

Lauren has been certified to practice Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) on the chest, neck and face. This is great because one third of the body's lymph nodes are located above the chest with some very important ones hanging out in the neck. The Dr. Vodder technique she uses for MLD was developed in Europe during the 1930’s by Dr Emil Vodder and his wife Estrid. It utilizes gentle circular motions using only the hands to help manipulate lymphatic flow. MLD has an anti-inflammatory effect and it calms the nervous system helping cells to regenerate and drain cellular waste that can become stagnant, this stagnancy can cause inflammation and can set the stage for premature aging.

MLD is also great for anyone dealing with puffiness or inflammation in the face. Best results depend on what the client is looking to achieve, after discussing your goals we would come up with a customized plan and like Facial Gua Sha is best done in sessions closer together and then spread out over time.


The Necessities

$110 | 70 MINS

This skin session includes a deep cleanse, gentle exfoliation, herbal mask and advanced face massage techniques that may include a fusion of Manual Lymph Drainage, Facial Gua Sha, Facial Cupping, and tension release. Professional grade and herbally based skincare will be used through out the treatment. An assessment of your skincare concerns will take place before the appointment and this mindful, deeply relaxing treatment will be tailored to your needs.

Exfoliant Upgrade or LED Light Enhancement available to add upon booking.

The Necessities Express

$70 | 50 MINS

This skin session includes a deep cleanse, gentle exfoliation, face massage including a fusion of Manual Lymph Drainage, Facial Gua Sha and tension release. An assessment of your skincare concerns will take place before the appointment and this express treatment will be tailored to your needs.

Exfoliant Upgrade or LED Light Enhancement available to add upon booking.

the ritual peel

$100 | 60 MINS

Innovative and regenerating, utilizing spicules (liquid needles) to sink into the skin to promote exfoliation, product penetration and collagen production. Great for anti-aging and surface level skin conditions such as acne/breakout prone skin, hyperpigmentation and scarring. A combination of gentle neck and facial massage techniques plus a spicule treatment gives a lit from within glow. A series of 4-6 is recommended for best results, must wait 2 weeks after any botox or filler. 

LED Light Enhancement available to add upon booking.

Sculpt Facial

Sculpt 1- $100 | 50 mins

Sculpt 2- $135 | 70 mins.

Sculpt 3- $165 | 70 mins.

The Sculpt Facial comes in 3 different levels. All three levels have a focus on facial massage utilizing a blend of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) and Connective Tissue Massage (CTM) for face, neck and scalp. In Sculpt 3 there is the addition of Buccal (Intra-Oral) Massage. Suitable for most people especially those dealing with puffiness or inflammation in the face and/or neck. Lymphatic drainage helps to get rid of metabolic waste and nourish the skin from the inside out. CTM sculpts and molds tissues and stimulates collagen/elastin production. Buccal Massage improves jawline, relaxes tight muscles and specifically tones and sculpts the lower face. All techniques elicit deep relaxation and stress relief.